Sports Performance Training at Kansas City Athlete Training for both youth and high school athletes with group classes and private training along with football specific camps and speed and agility classes for all sports and athletics in Kansas City Missouri

Our instructors will train your son or daughter on the proper way to increase speed, agility, strength, and endurance by using functional training techniques along with coaching proper mechanics. The purpose of this training is to help athletes transfer what they have learned and developed from the gym to the playing field. These classes are recommended for athletes in sports such as baseball, softball, football, basketball, swimming, wrestling, volleyball, track, tennis, golf, soccer, ultimate fighting, cheerleading and any other sport that requires speed, strength and coordination.


Our Speed and Agility Class 1.0, Advanced Speed and Agility 2.0,  and Elite Speed and Agility 3.0 Group Training classes are intended to get any athlete in shape for their upcoming sports season and to improve an athlete's speed and agility skills which will in turn prepare them to have a more productive season.


Classes are intended for any athlete (male or female) between the ages of 5 on up as we work with both youth and high school athletes. He or she must be committed to improving their current athletic skills with a willingness to work at a high level of intensity.  Our job as instructors is to try and get maximum effort and commitment from our athletes as they get in better shape their confidence grows help them develop into a leader.


What is the benefit to attending classes?

Today's youth athlete should take advantage during the offseason of their sport to achieve a strength and fitness level they never thought possible. It is our job to help them achieve this goal. If they have the desire we have the knowledge and equipment to make that possible.



Sports Performance Group Classes



KC Athlete Training Sports Performance

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Girls Soccer Speed Training

Speed & Agility Personal Training for girls soccer athletes at KC Athlete Training helping them to prepare to make a difference in their season.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Football Strength & Conditioning

KC Athlete Football Strength & Conditioning Classes help all positions. Here we are training 6ft 7inch Defensive End James Williams on his jump explosion with lateral resistance as well as holding a 25lb weight.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Baseball Strength & Conditioning

KC Athlete Baseball and Softball Strength and Condiitioning Classes with weightlifting training specifically for baseball and softball players preparing to make a difference in their season.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Softball Strength & Conditioning

KC Athlete Training offers a Softball Strength & Conditioning program specifically designed to help female athletes gain strength allowing them to be more productive and gain confidence as they prepare for their softball season.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Jump & Explosion Training

KC Athlete Training offers jump and explosion training to help increase athletes vertical and explosion for basketball, volleyball, football and soccer athletes this training has become a game changer to help athletes succeed on the field and court.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Soccer Explosion & Speed Training

KC Athlete Boys Soccer Speed & Agility with burst and explosion training helps male soccer athletes gain core strength using our functional strength equipment to build muscle and gain speed to help soccer athletes prepare to dominate on the field.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Core Strength & Flexiblity

KC Athlete understands the difficulty some athletes have with flexibility and core strength so we program our sessions to help assist athletes with gaining range of motion and core strength to be a better athlete on the field or court.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Functional Strength Equipment

KC Athlete takes pride in offering a weight area that help athletes in all sports through our use of functional weight equipment, resistance equipment and turf space to train core strength, flexiblity, and mobility allowing athletes to dominate their sport.

Kansas City Athlete Training Sports Performance Staff offers Personal and Small Group training available for Speed and Agility Training which includes burst and explosion training, Weightlifting Technique, Functional Strength Training for all sports and KC Athlete Football Academy Position Specific Training at the WeTrainKC Indoor Facility in Kansas City Missouri

Expert Lead Sessions

KC Athlete Training sessions are lead by experience staff who oversee all aspects of the class and help teach athletes proper technique and form including safety measures and discipline to help with their mental approach so they can achieve success and reach their goals.

Kansas City Youth Football Camp

2025 Kansas City Youth Football Camp
WHEN: Monday June 9th - Thursday June 12th
TIME: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: Kansas City Athlete Training Facility
The Kansas City Youth Football Camp Staff is proud to announce the 24th Year of our annual Kansas City Youth Football Camp. The 24th Annual Kansas City Youth Football Camp focusing on the techniques and fundamentals needed to succeed at the youth level and to help players prepare for the 2025 football season. Aside from learning the game of football, camp staff will talk to the players each night about football, life, and why playing youth football is important.